7 June 2012 - Audarya Dhama

7 January 2012 - a new scan of Chintamani Dhama (a guide to Vrindavan) from Vrindavan Lila

1 September 2011 - Vrindavan Lila has just sent a new scan of Gita_Mahatmya and also a book about Yamuna Devi

16 December 2010 - Vrindavan Lila has just sent Gita Mahatmya and promises to work on uploading the others, as becomes possible.

(Right-click and choose "Save As" to download these.)

Books by Padmalochan das:

1. His life's work is Govardhan guide, Madhurya Dhama (his original research & compilation). He spent 20 years of his life in Vrindavan, researching the Dham on the order of Srila Prabhupada,who gave him instruction to write books about Holy Dham. It is Padmalochan Das's research and work that became basis of knowledge of Vraja-parikrama and pastime places for devotees these days.

2.  Chintamany Dhama - guide to Vrindavan parikrama (his original research & compilation)

3.  Audarya Dhama - guide to Navadvipa Dhama parikrama (his original research & compilation)

4. Pada-sevana - signs of the lotus feet & hands of Srimati Radharani, Lord Krishna, Lord Chaitanya, Nityananda, Advaita.(his original research & compilation)

5. Uddhava Sandesh [his translation from Sanskrit, Srila Rupa Goswami's book, with aded explanatory notes (by Padmalochan Das)] - this is his last work... in January 2010 he finished compiling this book and said "it is ready for printing now", after few days he got sick and within 1.5 months Srila Prabhupada took him into His nitya-lila....

6.  Gita Mahatmya (his translation from Sanskrit into English from Padma Purana, which is the only ENGLISH translation available at present)

7. Tulasi Devi Mahatmya - gloryfication of Tulasi Devi (his translation from Sanskrit into English from Padma Purana)

8. Yamuna Devi - gloryfication of Yamuna Devi (his translation from Sanskrit into Hindi)